Trademark monitoring

We specialize in trademark monitoring in domains using our private domain database of 625 mln existing and expired domains covering not only gTLDs, but also new gTLDs and most domains from all ccTLDs. This means that we can search and monitor domains for potential trademark infringements (e.g. phishing, cybersquating, counterfeiting) of your brand or keywords and phrases almost anywhere. And that's not all. We can provide you with valuable information on domain owners from the Whois, IP, NS and MX records of domains. In case you are suspicious of any domain owner already, we can check all their domains via Reverse Whois and Reverse IP services. If you are interested in some domains, we can monitor their status and alert you for any changes in their ownership.

You can try it out below or contact us with your custom needs. We are happy to help with any trademark monitoring questions!

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